Here a nice little rug that would look cute in your miniature kitchen, laundry, or green house.

What you will need: Corsage Pins (Any longs pins will do), Scissors, Dollar Store Twine, Quick Clear Drying Glue, Wax Paper, Pencil, Scrap Paper & Styrofoam.

Start by making a simple drawing of the rug you have in mind on scrap paper. Or you can print out my pattern. Just right click and save the above picture. Place the wax paper over the drawing and pin to styrofoam.

With your jute twine begin at the center and work your way out pinning and lightly gluing as you go, to hold in place. Let the first ring dry before adding additional rings.

Once all the rings have been finished, trim the jute and glue end in place.

Begin second row with a new piece of jute. Place Glue around the last ring of the first row and place a dot of glue where the loops cross. Let this dry to anchor the second row in place.

Trim ends and tuck under and glue in place. Let dry.

Start third row by gluing jute onto two loops to anchor. Place a dot of glue one the ends of the loops. Pin to secure. Let dry. Leave a tail on the starting end to trim off later

For the next step, glue the first ring of the third row. Gluing and pinning as you go. Before gluing the last few loops trim the staring end off and glue in place. Let dry before finishing rings

Copyright Tammy Renee, 2008, all rights reserved
Permission is explicitly denied for any republication of text or photographs in this article without the prior express written consent of the author.